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Fuel Oils

  • Studies, Research, Analysis of the Traditional Energy Market, national and international.
  • All the actions, activities, operations possible at any level, inherent in an organization, corporate and operational, in possession of all Certifications, Authorizations, Licenses and Permits provided and required, that has the legal and procedural legitimacy to operate in national and international, wholesale and retail, both in bulk and bottled and packaged, without restrictions and/ or limitations, with traditional and/ or online mode (e-commerce), using all the tools, interventions and supports Administrative, Management, Financial, Project, Commercial and Technical, in Trading, Import, Export, Production, Packaging, Bottling, Research, Selection, Purchase, Storage, Promotion, Marketing, Sale, Sale, Transport, Distribution, Distribution, Support, Service, Maintenance, Solutions, Products, Goods, Services, of any type, of any kind, of any category of product, in the Traditional Energy Sector and including everything that is similar and/ or connected and/ or complementary to the above.
  • Assumption and/or Concession of Agency Mandates, Representation of Solutions, Products, Goods, Services, of any type, of any kind, of any product category, in the Energy sector and in traditional Energies.
  • Research, Selection, Purchase, Rental, Sale, Administration, Planning and Management of Vehicles and Vehicles, aimed at all the Activities listed above, aimed at the social object and the achievement of the objectives expressed in the social object itself.
  • Marketing, Commercial Promotion and Advertising activities for the insertion in national and foreign markets of Solutions, Products, Goods, Services, of any type, of any kind, of any product category, in the Traditional Energy Sector.
  • Studies, Research, Analysis, Design and Implementation of Solutions, Products, Tools, Support and Administrative, Management, Financial, Project, Commercial and Technical, aimed at interventions in the Traditional Energy Sector, of any kind and of any kind, national and international, and the achievement of the stated objectives.