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Training & Employment

  • Studies, Research, Analysis of the Training Market, national and international.
  • Study, Design, Promotion, Disbursement, Evaluation, Reporting of Human Resources Training.
  • Training of Human Resources (Traditional and/ or E-learning) with focus on specific cultural activities that complement and enrich the training paths.
  • Promotion and development of training, guidance and Professional Development within and in compliance with regional, national, international and Community regulations in force in this field, using the expected funding, in order to promote employment and the development of work organization, according the scientific and technological progress.
  • Organization, service delivery and management of any activity directly and/or indirectly related to Training.
  • Production and Delivery of Services aimed at teaching and enhancement of all aspects of knowledge, culture, science, art and any other theme.
  • Design, Organization and Management of Training and/ or Course Orientation also individualized and customized, training courses aimed at the first placement, qualification, retraining, specialization, updating or further training for young people, adults, the employed or the unemployed, as well as those belonging to disadvantaged groups.
  • Promotion and Implementation of Studies, Analysis and Research on the labour market, training needs, teaching methods and techniques, experiences and training issues.
  • Training, Guidance and Vocational Qualification of young people for their integration into the labour market ("Work Oriented Training").
  • Employment placement and facilitation of disabled people, especially young people.
  • Qualification, guidance and vocational retraining of unemployed and/or immigrant workers.
  • Professional Development and Improvement of workers of all categories, improving their general cultural formation.
  • Training, Qualification, Updating, Redevelopment and Professional Conversion addressed to individuals, businesses and public administrations, including participating in projects financed by local, regional, national, international and Community funds, with the specific provisions on the preservation of the job.
  • Organization of Internships, Paths and Guided Tours, Study Seminars, Work Experiences.
  • Permanent monitoring of vocational and training needs in the various economic sectors and in the labour market in general.
  • Training Interventions to encourage the meeting between work supply and demand.
  • Preparation and/or Coordination of Training Schemes for specific professionals, in order to make better use of the contractual instruments made available by the current legislation on the labour market.
  • Learning programs which, by guaranteeing the aims of contributing to the cultural and professional improvement of workers, promote the acquisition of higher professional values and are appropriate to the characteristics of the sectoral activities.
  • Contribute to the implementation of regional and national policies of local development and encourage the use of programs activated by the European Union, paying particular attention to initiatives aimed at disadvantaged areas.

  • Studies, Research, Labour Market Analysis, national and international.
  • Labour Market Integration and Vocational Retraining.
  • Assistance and Support for Professional Training.
  • Job Placement
  • Human Resources Recruitment, Selection and Placement.
  • Design, Organization, Provision, Management of Courses aimed at qualification and vocational retraining and reintegration into the labour market.
  • Professional Retraining of Human Resources at Companies, Bodies, Consortia, Business Organizations, Socio-economic Organizations in general, Associations and Organizations structured and of all kinds.