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Culture & Art

  • Studies, Research, Analysis of the Cultural and Artistic Market, national and international.
  • Consultancy, assistance and support in the arts sector.
  • Conceptualisation, design, coordination, production of exhibitions, events and shows.
  • Exhibitions, events and shows support.
  • Exhibitions, events and shows production.
  • Solutions, Products, Services, Activities for companies, organizations, consortia and other organizations aimed at promoting Culture & Art projects.
  • Management of Artistic Facilities and other structures from the Culture and Art areas.
  • Development, planning, execution and management of artistic and cultural events.
  • Management and enhancement of archaeological, naturalistic areas and/or cultural, artistic and monumental heritage.
  • Realization of works useful for the development and promotion of cultural and environmental heritage.
  • Other services, such as preservation of cultural and environmental assets.
  • Organization and realization of events and exhibitions.
  • Tourist, cultural and artistic information service.
  • Enhancement and improvement of historical-artistical heritage usage, via management of cultural and artistic activities and services.
  • Design of Artistic-Cultural events spaces and security control of these locations.