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Trade - Import & Export

  • Studies, Research, Analysis of the Trading Market, national and international.
  • Import & Export, national and international trading.
  • Retail and wholesale trade
  • Electronic Trade (e-Commerce)
  • All the actions, activities, operations possible at any level, inherent in an organization, corporate and operational, which has the legal and procedural legitimacy to operate in national and international, wholesale and retail, without constraints and/ or limitations, with Traditional and/ or Electronic Commerce (e-commerce, e-shop), using all the tools, interventions and supports Administrative, Managerial, Financial, Project, Commercial and Technical, in Trading, Import, Export, Concept, Design, Production, Packaging, Bottling, Research, Selection, Purchase, Storage, Promotion, Marketing, Sale, Sale, Transport, Distribution, Distribution, Support, Service, Maintenance, Solutions, Products, Goods, Services, of any type, of any kind, of any product category, such as, for example:
    • Food;
    • Agri-food
    • Wine including grape must;
    • Alcoholic and super-alcoholic beverages;
    • Soft drinks;
    • Fabrics and Clothing;
    • Clothing accessories;
    • Healthcare and hygiene products;
    • Parapharmaceuticals;
    • Health Care
    • Personal Protective Equipment (masks, gloves, ...);
    • Plants and Devices for Sanitization and/or Sterilization;
    • Electromedical Systems and Equipment;
    • Furniture and Furnishings;
    • Furniture accessories;
    • Home and Office accessories;
    • Accessories of all kinds;
    • Toys;
    • Equipment and Accessories for Sport and Leisure;
    • Cars and Car Accessories;
    • Automotive;
    • Hardware Solutions;
    • Software Solutions;
    • Technological Products and Solutions;
    • Industrial Products;
    • Solutions and Products in the Traditional Energy field;
    • Solutions and Products in the Renewable and/or Alternative and/or Innovative Energy field;
    • Green Economy Solutions and Products;
    • Food Oils;
    • Fuel Oils;
    • Fuels and Petroleum Products;
    • Wood and wood-based products;
    • Pellets and Pellet Stoves;
    • Heating Systems Stoves;
    • Building and Construction Materials in general, Bricks, Materials of any kind for Floors and Coverings, Adhesives and other Chemical and Technical Products for its installation, Panels, Tents, Coordinated, Fireplaces, Stoves, Radiators, Stairs, Inert Materials, Cement, Construction Timber, Building Carpentry Materials, Concrete Products and others for Construction, Fixtures, Insulating Materials, Metal Products, Timber for Construction, Plastic Materials, Glass Materials, Painting and Painting, Hydro-Sanitary Ware, Sinks, Bathroom Accessories, Bathroom Furniture, any type of Product intended for use as the Coating of Walls and Floors both internal and external and all Raw Materials suitable to produce the same and also Chemical Products and Raw Materials in general for the Building Sector;
    • Thermal and/or Acoustic and/or Fire Insulation;
    • Energy production and distribution plants.

and including all that listed above is akin and/or related and/or complementary.


  • Assumption and/or Concession, at national and international level, of Agency Mandates and/or Representation and/or Commission, with or without Deposit, of Solutions, Products, Goods, Services, of any type, of any kind, of any category of product.
  • Completion of all the Marketing, Commercial and Advertising Promotion, Organization and Management Commercial Networks for the inclusion in domestic and foreign markets of Solutions, Products, Goods, Services, of any type, of any kind, of any product category and provided for by the corporate object.
  • Design, Realization, Research, Selection, Purchase, Rent, Management, Management, Sale, on own account and/or on behalf of third parties and/or franchises, Warehouses and/or Warehouses and/or Shops, national and/or foreign.
  • Design, Realization, Research, Selection, Purchase, Rent, Management, Administration, Management, Sale, on own account and/or on behalf of third parties and/or franchises, Sales Points and/or Distributors of Products, national and/or foreign, of any type, of any kind, of any product category.
  • Design, Realization, Research, Selection, Purchase, Rent, Management, Administration, Management, Sale, on own account and/or on behalf of third parties and/or franchises, Restaurants, Hot Food, Fast Food, Grills, Pizzerias, Canteens, Bars and Snacks-Bars, also within public and private bodies, companies, industrial and/ or recreational establishments, sports clubs, leisure facilities and/ or holidays, national and/ or foreign.
  • Design, Realization, Research, Selection, Purchase, Rent, Management, Administration, Management, Sale, on own account and/or on behalf of third parties and/or franchises, Leisure Facilities, Catering, Hotels, Theatres, Cinemas and of any Structure, Organization and/or Events connected with the Show, Tourist Villages, Holiday Centres and similar structures, similar and/or connected and/or complementary, national and/or foreign.
  • All actions, activities, operations at any level, nationally and internationally, without constraints and/or limitations, on own account and/or on behalf of third parties and/or franchised, for the exercise of the activity of Catering, distribution of Drinks and Food, and organization and management of Events, Events and Parties of all kinds.
  • Search, Selection, Purchase, Rental, Sale, Administration, Planning and Management of Vehicles and Vehicles, aimed at all Trading Activities, listed above, finalized to the social object and to the achievement of the objectives mentioned above and expressed in the social object itself.
  • Ideation, Design, Planning, Implementation, Support, Assistance for Commercial, Industrial and Tourist Operations, both nationally and internationally.
  • Studies, Research, Analysis, Design and Implementation of Solutions, Products, Tools, Administrative, Management, Financial, Project, Commercial and Technical Services, aimed at Trade of any kind and of any type, national and international, and the achievement of the objectives described and expressed above.